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Man smiling while looking at a laptop

Impact Employer Practices Tool

Let’s customize
your journey

Begin with your big picture goal in mind. Maybe you want to reduce the communication gap in your organization, or cultivate a more diverse team, 
for example.

Select the area you want to focus on (Building Block) and the talent management function (lever) you want to improve. The tool will curate and present a set of actionable practices that align with your needs.

If you’re unsure what to choose first, view the full list by selecting ‘All’ and get inspired.

It’s now up to you and your team to implement these changes and make a positive impact.

Need help? We’re here.

a woman happy and clapping her hands

Maturity Model

Assess your progress and set future goals with our three-level maturity model, guiding you from emerging to distinctive Impact Employer status.